MaisonFAQFAQs of the Religion
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FAQs of the Religion

  • What is Confucianism?
  • Confucianism is an ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius and his disciples.

  • Who are Confucians?
  • People who have a faith in Confucianism and regard themself as a disciple of Confucius.

  • How to became a Confucian? Do I need a designation before I become a Confucian?
  • No. You don't need one of our designations to become a Confucian. To become a Confucian, you shall: Master the language of Han; Complete a study of the "Four Books"; Referenced by two Confucian(disciples of Confucius); Attend a ritual to become a Confucian.

  • Who is the Literary God?
  • Confucius.

  • Who is the Martial God?
  • Guan Yu. He is a Confucian.

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