HausProgramme und KurseSprachkurseMehrheit chinesischenHigh School Chinese V
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High School Chinese V

Course Description

This is one course of a series of courses designed for students who want to keep pace with the Chinese language education system in mainland China. These courses are designed for independent study and for parents who want to teach children at home. It includes all of the materials you will need to understand the concepts covered in each grade. Students also receive exposure to the language via a variety of authentic sources such as the Internet, audio, video and printed materials which help them develop cultural awareness as well as linguistic proficiency.

This course is for high school grade five.

Course Format

This course has been designed for independent study and for parents who want to teach children at home. It includes all of the materials you will need to understand the concepts covered in this grade's subject. The materials in this course include:

  • Course Textbooks
  • Worked Examples with detailed solutions to sample problems
  • Problem sets with solutions
  • Exams with solutions
  • Lecture Videos with supporting written notes
  • Recitation Videos of problem-solving tips
  • Interactive Java Applets ("Mathlets") to reinforce key concepts
  • An Online Study Group

About Mencius Institute's online courses

Mencius Institute's online courses are designed specifically for oversea Chinese learners. These courses are substantially more complete than typical Mencius Institute's courses, and include new custom-created content as well as materials repurposed from in-class courses.

Course Syllabus


Programme / Kurse

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