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College Chinese IV

Course Description

This course follows "College Chinese III" in Mencius Institute's curriculum in modern standard Chinese (Mandarin). It is the continuing instruction in listening, spoken, reading, and written Chinese, with particular emphasis on consolidating basic conversational skills and improving reading confidence and depth.

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to speak Chinese with some fluency on basic conversational topics, achieve a basic level of reading competence within simplified and traditional characters learned plus common compounds, and be able to write short compositions.

Classes consist of a combination of lecture, drill practice, discussion, reading comprehension practice, listening comprehension practice, situational dialogue practice, and language games.

College Chinese Sequence on Mencius Institute

Mencius Institute now offers a complete sequence of four Chinese language courses for college student, covering beginning to intermediate levels of instruction. These courses covers the core grammar of the language; it develops a sensitivity to linguistically appropriate behavior; it introduces extensive vocabulary and usage as a basis for conversational development; and it provides a step-by-step guide to the principles and practice of reading and writing Chinese characters.

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